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public works
The Public Works Department is responsible for the overall operations regarding water, sewer, and streets within the city. This includes the reception and distribution of potable drinking water, water transmission line maintenance, and water leaks, as well as the treatment of sanitary sewer water, lift station maintenance, and cleaning of sanitary sewer lines to prevent sewer backups.
The water supply for the City of Towanda is purchased from Rural Water District No. 5, Butler County which purchases water from the City of El Dorado (surface) and has a connection to the City of Wichita. The water is treated to remove contaminants. A disinfectant is also added to protect the water supply against microbial contaminants.
The current annual Water Quality Report can be viewed and downloaded here.
The Public Works Department also serves as the Animal Control Division for Towanda. Dogs apprehended for running at large are kept at the Towanda shelter. The state-required 72-hour hold allows time for the owner to claim them before they are available for adoption or are released for euthanasia.
Public Works emergency after-hours?
Call 316-466-1961
After the prompt, enter your phone number, followed by the # sign.
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